(781) 643-0405

Real Estate Developer Representation

Boston Real Estate Developer Attorney

Real Estate Developer I represent real estate developers in their purchase of multiunit buildings and their development of these buildings into multi unit residential condominiums. I also assist individual developers by creating business corporations and limited liability companies as vehicles of real estate purchase and development.

I have more than 40 years of experience providing comprehensive legal guidance, knowledgeable representation, and responsive service to residential and commercial property owners and real estate developers throughout the Boston metro area including, but not limited to, Middlesex, Suffolk, Essex and Norfolk Counties.

Contact me today to discuss your development objectives and options in a complimentary consultation.

If you desire, I can create a limited liability company (LLC) or business corporation as a vehicle for you to buy, own, and develop real estate. If this is your intent, the lender must be informed to ensure they are willing and you are aware of the requirements. I can assist you in comprehensively and successfully realizing your real estate development objectives so that no legal issues arise in the future.

I provide real estate developer representation for developers and owners of multifamily units and apartment buildings. Upon conversion, you will significantly increase the cumulative fair market value of the building. You want to work with a mortgage broker who will refinance those units as condominiums at the new market value so you are able to benefit from the increase in equity of your property.

My practice is associated with a trusted mortgage broker with experience in this area, and I have access to lenders who are experienced in financing individual units within multiunit apartment rental buildings upon development.

In addition to representing property owners, I also represent the lenders in the refinancing of units.

You need a real estate development attorney who can provide you with the comprehensive service and referrals you need to meet your objectives. I have extensive experience in handling these sometimes complex transactions with care and attention to my clients’ individual goals.

Contact me today to discuss your goals in a free initial consultation.